Tuesday, March 13, 2007

having stupid headache now.

yesterday went to see doctor at bout 8plus.
mummy sent me to ang mo kio medical clinic to see da clinic.
Both of us saw the doctor.
and the doctor was soooooooo slow.
seeing each patient took him like half an hour averagely luh.
clinic opened at 7pm and ended at 10.
we sat ,waiting for the doctor till the the clinic was gonna close you know. the lights were already dim!
so exaggerating rite! and our queue number was onli 7!
wad the....
when it was me and mummy's turn, we found out the reason.

the reason was that the doctor acted like a nurse too. He started to explain to us abt the medicine , what time and how many to swallow(which is the counter nurse' job) per day etc..
and he took a long time to hear my heartbeat when he pressed his stethoscope on my back.

AND everything was because of HER LAAAA.
spread the sickness to me.
keep asking her to cover her mouth when she coughs bt DONT LISTEN.
first few times cover but nxt few times dont, and worse. SHE COUGH LOUDER AND mouth opened WIDER. hahah. mummy laughed when i imitated the way she coughs. (mouth open wide and cough like gonna die soon)

I was SO rite when i said that my sorethroat would lead me to a big stage of illness.
My sickness started from sunday morning and it lasted even till now.
slept the whole day for the past few days ,making me not able to get out.
URGGGH x a million.

and my throat is KILLING ME.

typing this out is making my head ache even more and my eyelids heavy.
i think its the pills .. doctor said my medicines will make me drowsy.

okay. i cant take it alrd.

cant take time to read tags. read other time. i need to rest before i faint.

8:26 AM

I love you.